En una asignatura de clase la profesora nos dijo que algún día durante el curso algunos compañeros contarían un cuento o una historia... Y sin saber como, yo seré una de esas personas. Digo que sin saber como porque un dija lo dejó caer y yo no tenía ni idea que lo tenía que hacer (aun recuerdo ese "¿Ah sí?" en voz alta que se me escapó). Y nada, que el día C (C de Cuento) será el martes que viene. Solo contamos un cuento otra chica y yo.
Le pedí permiso a la profe para apagar las luces y poner música, pues quería probar una cosa... y si todo va bien, vaya que si la probaré.
Apagaré las luces y pondré alguna que otra vela, para crear ambiente. Pediré a mis compañeros que cierren los ojos y empezaré a relatar una historia, con música de fondo. He empezado a escribirlo (en inglés, obviamente). Tengo el inicio: se encontrarán en un Bosque Sagrado, al atardecer, verán hadas y algún que otro ser mitologicofantástico. Y tambien se encontrarán con un Hombre Roble (Oak Man), una especie de elemental de la naturaleza, muy sabio y que a veces actúa de guardián.
Copio lo que tengo hasta ahora... y a ver si puedo seguir escribiendo el resto de la historia... Lo ideal sería que me lo supiera de memoria... veremos si lo logro XDDD.
Besos a todos!!! Y ale, a practicar el inglés :P
Imagine. Close your eyes and simply imagine. You are in an old forest, as old as the Earth, as the Sky. An eternal forest, full of oaks, holly trees, cypress, willows, silver birches… The trees have the greenness of spring and summer, however the ground is full of dry leaves that rustle and creak while you walk.
An old grandmother told somebody that there are places that are borderlands, places that separate what we call reality from what it is called fantasy. Fantasy is the world of fairy tales, of those legends you were told when you were children… those legends that are nearly forgotten by humans.
In certain moments of the day and of the year, the borderlands are weakened; at this time it is easier to cross them and walk to the other side.
Remember the forest you are in. You keep walking, silently, observing what is surrounding you. Listening to the sounds of nature.
It’s the evening. The sky has reddish and orange tonalities. You are at dusk. It is one of the few times when the borderlines are weakened. Without realizing, you cross an invisible frontier. The sky has permanently the colours of dusk. Everything was quiet till this moment… Now, look up to the top of trees. There are little coloured lights that move and sparkle. They are fairies. They are
playing with each other… two or three of them approach to you to see you better. They unusually see humans in their forest. They are very, very tiny. One is green and has big eyes, and two pairs of wings that resemble two leaves. She speaks to you, but you don’t understand what she is saying. You just hear the rustling of the leaves moved by the wind.
You keep walking. Don’t be afraid if you see fantastic creatures… Maybe you see a unicorn, a legendary white horse with a horn on his head, maybe you see a tree walking, or some nymphs playing in the forest.
Suddenly, a big tree walks to you. Every step shakes the ground. But you look better. It is not a tree… it has a head, arms, legs… It is like a person made of wood. It is very tall. He stops in front of you and, with a very deep, harsh, slow and echoing voice, says:
- Welcome are thee, stranger. I’m an Oak Man, a wise spirit of nature, an elemental. I’m the Guardian of this part of the forest, and I’m here to remind you not to touch anything of this forest, not to eat anything nor drink it. The consequences might be fatal for you. Fairies are sweet, and also terrible they can be. All the beauty you see here may have a dark side that is better you don’t see.
La imagen es copyright de Brian Froud, un genial artista del mundo feérico y uno de los mejores ilustradores y cuentacuentos (y cuentahadas) que existen. =) Buscad en el Google y veréis ^^
1 comentario:
Yuhuuu! Lo he entendido! Lo he entendido!
Es muy guay! ¿No puedo colarme en tu clase el día C para escucharte? ^^ Seguro que lo harás genial!
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