martes, 24 de abril de 2007

Cuentos (segunda parte)

Bueno, pos hoy ha sido el día C!!! La verdad es que ha ido muy bien, la gente ha respondido y se ha metido en la historia y tal... lo mejor de todo, es que les ha GUSTADO! Y quieren repetir!! La verdad, estoy muy satisfecha, tanto conmigo misma, por haber sido capaz de crear algo que le guste a la gente, como por mis compañeros y la profe, que han sido capaces de dejarse llevar por las palabras y la música, y de crear cada uno su mundo en su cabeza. Copiaré el relato aquí abajo... si bien hay que decir que la música ayuda muchísimo a crear las situaciones, ya que sin ella, no es lo mismo.
Y eso... ahora veo claro lo que realmente me gusta hacer. ¡Mamá! ¡Yo de mayor quiero ser cuentacuentos de rol y visualización! XD

Lo mejor (¿aún más? no puedo quedarme con nada en concreto! xD) es que la profesora ha sido capaz de dar significado a todos los elementos que aparecen en el relato que yo he escrito (nótese dentro de mi relato hay un relato de un cuento celta galés que yo he adaptado un poco, pero ese no cuenta), es decir de explicar simbolismos que he puesto en el texto, casi casi sin darme cuenta, pues yo iba escribiendo y llegado un momento, sabía que ahí tenía que haber ese elemento, no podía ser ningún otro... El proceso de escritura fue muy ligero, salió solo y casi del subconsciente, como si solo tuviera que mosrtar en forma de palabras aquello que ya existe.

Bueno, pues sin más dilación... el Bosque! (la versión pre-definitiva, al menos, ya que al relatarlo he cambiado y añadido alguna que otra cosilla sobre la marcha).

Besos a todos!!


Imagine. Close your eyes and simply imagine. You are in an old forest, as old as the Earth, as the Sky. An eternal forest, full of oaks, holly trees, cypress, willows, silver birches… The trees have the greenness of spring and summer, however the ground is full of dry leaves that rustle and creak while you walk.

An old grandmother told somebody that there are places that are borderlands, places that separate what we call reality from what it is called fantasy. Fantasy is the world of fairy tales, of those legends you were told when you were children… those legends that are nearly forgotten by humans.

In certain moments of the day and of the year, the borderlands are weakened; at this time it is easier to cross them and walk to the other side.

Remember the forest you are in. You keep walking, silently, observing what is surrounding you. Listening to the sounds of nature.

It’s the evening. The sky has reddish and orange tonalities. You are at dusk. It is one of the few times when the borderlines are weakened. Without realizing, you cross an invisible frontier. The sky has permanently the colours of dusk. Everything was quiet till this moment… Now, look up to the top of trees. There are little coloured lights that move and sparkle. They are fairies. They are playing with each other… two or three of them approach to you to see you better. They unusually see humans in their forest. They are very, very tiny. One is green and has big eyes, and two pairs of wings that resemble two leaves. She speaks to you, but you don’t understand what she is saying. You just hear the rustling of the leaves moved by the wind.

You keep walking. Don’t be afraid if you see fantastic creatures… Maybe you see a unicorn, a legendary white horse with a horn on his head, maybe you see a tree walking, or some nymphs playing in the forest.

Suddenly, a big tree walks to you. Every step shakes the ground. But you look better. It is not a tree… it has a head, arms, legs… It is like a person made of wood. It is very tall. He stops in front of you and, with a very deep, harsh, slow and echoing voice, says:

- Welcome are thee, stranger. I’m an Oak Man, a wise spirit of nature, an elemental. I’m the Guardian of this part of the forest, and I’m here to remind you not to touch anything of this forest, not to eat anything nor drink it. The consequences might be fatal for you. Fairies are sweet, and also terrible they can be. All the beauty you see here may have a dark side that is better you don’t see.

The Oak Man invites you to walk through a path… and you accept. You continue walking and, you look back, but the Oak Man has disappeared. Everything is getting darker; you are going into the heart of the forest. You are hesitating if continuing this way or not… but you hear music. It’s so sweet, so strange… Without realizing, your legs are moving towards the music, you are walking again…

As you walk, you see more faeries in the trees, more animals, more insects, more trees moving with the sound of this music… But nobody else.

In a clearing between the trees there is a faun, middle man and middle goat, playing a flute. The faun has a very red hair and dark yellow eyes and while he plays the flute, smiles to you in a mysterious way.

-Hello, visitor. Did you hear that owl? Do you know the story of owls? They were not created at the same time as the other animals, no. Every animal has its own story. Do you want to hear the owl’s story? Here it is…

The Goddess Arianrhod, lady of the Moon, for some circumstances that I won’t tell you now, bewitched his son. She said that only she would be able to give him a name; that he couldn’t carry arms to the war, except the ones she would gave him and that could not have a mortal wife. She did that because she hated her son, so she didn’t want to give him a name nor weapons…Arianrhod wanted her son to be sad and humiliated.

But Gwydion and Math, the uncles of the boy, tricked two times Arianrhod, resulting that without realizing she gave him a name, … (Which was Lleu Law Gyffes), and also the strongest weapons.

Then, the uncles, Gwydion and Math, who were also gods and magicians, took the flowers of oak, broom and meadowsweet and created a beautiful woman, named Blodeuwedd, to be Lleu’s wife. Blodeuwedd meant ‘Face of Flowers’.

But… poor Lleu Llaw Gyffes…

Not long after their marriage, Llew left his wife in their castle, and he traveled to visit his uncles, who lived far away.

A few days later, a hunting party was spotted near the castle, and Blodeuwedd ask for the name of the leader of that hunting party. His name was Gronw Pebyr, lord of Penllŷn, a region not very far from their castle.

Blodeuwedd and Gronw, this lord, fell deeply in love with each other when they met. But Gronw had to leave and this couple started to make a plan to kill Lleu Llaw Gyffes…

But kill him was not easy, as he was son of a Goddes, he could not be killed during the day or night, nor indoors or outdoors, neither riding nor walking, not clothed and not naked, nor by any weapon made by law.

Blodeuwedd tricked Lleu Llaw Gyffes to tell her the secret about how to be killed. As he was very kind, he revealed to her that he could only be killed at dusk, wrapped in a net with one foot on a cauldron and one on a goat and with a spear forged for a year during the hours when everyone is at mass. With this information she arranged his death.

Blodeuwedd convinced her lover, Gronw Pebyr, to forge the spear, only during the masses… So, they waited patiently during 12 months… till the spear was finished. Blodeuwedd told her husband to show her how would be the scenario of his dead, just to know it and to be prepared… When he was demonstrating it, and was wrapped in the net, with the foot on the cauldron and the other on the goat, Grown Pebyr, such a coward, jumped to Lleu to stick the spear on him. Lleu, nearly dead, transformed himself into an eagle and flew away…

Gwydion, Lleu’s uncle, heard an eagle’s voice on the top of an oak and, knowing it was his nephew (he could understand animals, as he was a god), went with Lleu and transformed it again with his human shape and, with the help of Math, healed him. Healing Lleu Llaw Gyffe took them a year, and during this time, Blodeuwedd and Gronw lived together in Lleu’s castle.

Lleu Llaw Gyffes, angry for such betrayals, organized an attack to the castle. Lleu Llaw threw Gronw Pewyr the same spear he used the year before to kill him, and kills Gronw.

Then, Gwydion and Lleu, decide to turn Blodeuwedd into an owl, decreeing that she should never show her face again in the light of day.

And that is why owls can only be seen and heard at night. Look at there –says the faun- there’s Blodeuwedd! The original owl! Why don’t you follow her?

You move away from the faun, following the white owl, Blodeuwedd, while you hear flute music more and more distant…

Till there is silence.

Blodeuwedd has hid between the trees and you are lost again. You keep walking, happily of what is showing you this strange world…

Suddenly you see it. A big tree, nearly dead, with lots and lots of branches and full of crows. In the lowest of the branches, there is a golden apple. So bright, so beautiful… You touch it. And without knowing why, you feel the necessity to have the apple… so you take it and you start going to another place… but…

You hear sounds behind you.

All the crows are uniting into three figures and the tree has disappeared. The landscape has changed. Now is a desolate land, only desert with a grey and black sky, full of clouds, as if there had to be a storm.

The three figures are now three women, with an angry look on their faces. They rid three horses with mad eyes. They scare you. There is not any bird or any animal near you… They speak to you in a strange language that you don’t understand…

You start run. Run! Run!! You have to escape from Morrigans!! They are the Goddesses of Revenge and War. Escape from them! Don’t let them catch you! You look at your back and you see the three women, Morrigans, riding their black horses, running to your direction. They look furious and now you are even more scared.

Accidentally, the apple slips from your hand and falls to the ground. But you don’t stop running. Wait… now there is silence. Look at your back.

There it is the Tree of the Crows with the Golden Apple. Morrigans don’t follow you more. They only wanted to take again the apple.

- Remember what I told thee before, stranger –a familiar voice is coming near you--, do not touch anything because the consequences might be fatal. You have seen a little part of the dark side of fairy tales. Morrigans are calmed today, as usually they destroy their enemies. Go, stranger, it’s nearly midnight and it is time for you to go back to your place.

The Oak Man walks away. Now you see the place of the forest that you were at first. Some fairies and other creatures come to say you goodbye. Walking to the normal forest, you hear a song coming from faeries while you come back to reality.


Si queréis ver una 'fotito' de las Morrigans, dadle a este [link]. Ilustra propiedad del petardo de mi novio, Ionus/Lugh.

viernes, 20 de abril de 2007

En stand by

A veces me pierdo y me encierro.
Me decido y me vuelve la duda.
Camino un camino que no sé si es mi camino, sin saber qué camino es el que yo camino.
¿Qué camino es mi camino?

Habitación sin puertas ni ventanas, construida por mí a mí alrededor.
Habitación sin puerta ni ventana, nacida siendo muro, cerrada siendo sepulcro.

Panteón, tumba, mausoleo si no abro ventana o puerta.
Callejón sin salida, si no salto la verja.

jueves, 19 de abril de 2007


En una asignatura de clase la profesora nos dijo que algún día durante el curso algunos compañeros contarían un cuento o una historia... Y sin saber como, yo seré una de esas personas. Digo que sin saber como porque un dija lo dejó caer y yo no tenía ni idea que lo tenía que hacer (aun recuerdo ese "¿Ah sí?" en voz alta que se me escapó). Y nada, que el día C (C de Cuento) será el martes que viene. Solo contamos un cuento otra chica y yo.

Le pedí permiso a la profe para apagar las luces y poner música, pues quería probar una cosa... y si todo va bien, vaya que si la probaré.

Apagaré las luces y pondré alguna que otra vela, para crear ambiente. Pediré a mis compañeros que cierren los ojos y empezaré a relatar una historia, con música de fondo. He empezado a escribirlo (en inglés, obviamente). Tengo el inicio: se encontrarán en un Bosque Sagrado, al atardecer, verán hadas y algún que otro ser mitologicofantástico. Y tambien se encontrarán con un Hombre Roble (Oak Man), una especie de elemental de la naturaleza, muy sabio y que a veces actúa de guardián.

Copio lo que tengo hasta ahora... y a ver si puedo seguir escribiendo el resto de la historia... Lo ideal sería que me lo supiera de memoria... veremos si lo logro XDDD.

Besos a todos!!! Y ale, a practicar el inglés :P


Imagine. Close your eyes and simply imagine. You are in an old forest, as old as the Earth, as the Sky. An eternal forest, full of oaks, holly trees, cypress, willows, silver birches… The trees have the greenness of spring and summer, however the ground is full of dry leaves that rustle and creak while you walk.

An old grandmother told somebody that there are places that are borderlands, places that separate what we call reality from what it is called fantasy. Fantasy is the world of fairy tales, of those legends you were told when you were children… those legends that are nearly forgotten by humans.

In certain moments of the day and of the year, the borderlands are weakened; at this time it is easier to cross them and walk to the other side.

Remember the forest you are in. You keep walking, silently, observing what is surrounding you. Listening to the sounds of nature.

It’s the evening. The sky has reddish and orange tonalities. You are at dusk. It is one of the few times when the borderlines are weakened. Without realizing, you cross an invisible frontier. The sky has permanently the colours of dusk. Everything was quiet till this moment… Now, look up to the top of trees. There are little coloured lights that move and sparkle. They are fairies. They are playing with each other… two or three of them approach to you to see you better. They unusually see humans in their forest. They are very, very tiny. One is green and has big eyes, and two pairs of wings that resemble two leaves. She speaks to you, but you don’t understand what she is saying. You just hear the rustling of the leaves moved by the wind.

You keep walking. Don’t be afraid if you see fantastic creatures… Maybe you see a unicorn, a legendary white horse with a horn on his head, maybe you see a tree walking, or some nymphs playing in the forest.

Suddenly, a big tree walks to you. Every step shakes the ground. But you look better. It is not a tree… it has a head, arms, legs… It is like a person made of wood. It is very tall. He stops in front of you and, with a very deep, harsh, slow and echoing voice, says:

- Welcome are thee, stranger. I’m an Oak Man, a wise spirit of nature, an elemental. I’m the Guardian of this part of the forest, and I’m here to remind you not to touch anything of this forest, not to eat anything nor drink it. The consequences might be fatal for you. Fairies are sweet, and also terrible they can be. All the beauty you see here may have a dark side that is better you don’t see.


La imagen es copyright de Brian Froud, un genial artista del mundo feérico y uno de los mejores ilustradores y cuentacuentos (y cuentahadas) que existen. =) Buscad en el Google y veréis ^^

domingo, 15 de abril de 2007

El silencio en una casa, perspectiva de avión

Me gusta estar en silencio. Me gusta estar en una casa silenciosa. Me gusta estar sola en una casa silenciosa, sin ruidos embotellados, motorizados ni amortiguados.
Me gusta, cuando no tengo nada que hacer, sentarme en silencio a mirar la casa. Me gusta cuando el sol ilumina una habitación blanca, tranquila. El blanco, la luz y el silencio van de la mano. Es un momento en el que suspiro llena de satisfacción.

Por un motivo u otro, a pesar de mis dudas, miedos y demás historias que tengo, he decidido seguir adelante. Tal vez si consigo armarme de valor siga adelante cada vez más. Tal vez lo consiga.

Tal vez me voy de Erasmus. Tal vez. No hay nada seguro, no he firmado ningún documento. Nada. Bueno, firmé el de la solicitud solamente. Hace un mes y medio.

A ratos trato de imaginarme estando en Inglaterra, paseando por algún pueblo o ciudad, a medio camino entre ser escocés y inglés. Un pueblo de tierras debatidas, con sus nubes y la lluvia, los árboles y el verde. Con casas de color gris oscuro. Paseando, leyendo... Echando de menos el mar y mi gente.

¿Quién sabe? Tal vez me vaya y todavía no me lo crea hasta que no esté en el avión, al igual que me pasa con mi trabajo a Irlanda este verano. (Que por cierto, no hay ninguna novedad).


jueves, 12 de abril de 2007

Trescientos: El Poder Divino

Hoy he ido a ver 300 al cine con Lugh y Didi (curioso trío el de estos días xD). La verdad es que la pelicula está muy bien y me ha gustado mucho... y es que tiene de todo: buen guión, espartanos muy ligeros de ropa y sudorosos, acción, sangre a chorro sangriento, momentos épicos de '¡oh! ¡ah'... incluso, para el público más exigente, hay unas cortas escenas de sexo y erotismo (los oráculos vírgenes se destapan mucho)... esta película hasta tiene algo que no me esperaba: HUMOR.

¡Qué jajas con el Jerjes! (sí, humor fatal de Inanna). Jerjes es el emperador divino de Persia que quiere... ¿seducir? digoooo ¡arrodillar! digooo (peor) mmm...¡¡someter!! mmm.... no... vencer (ejem) a Leónidas. Y si no, mirad el video del momento... Ay... bendito YouTube.

Besos a tod@s!!

PD: Dejando de lado este trauma que aun ahora me provoca risotadas, la verdad es que esta pelíucla es de las que valen la pena tener el DVD de la versión especial de coleccionista, con caja de lata y todo. Muy recomendable.

miércoles, 11 de abril de 2007

Reflexiones al final del día:

Reflexionemos al final del día, si no podéis dormir justo después de iros a la cama... pensad.

¿Por qué en las novelas (de género abierto, tanto históricas como realistas....) en las que aparecen escenas de más o menos contenido sexual (esos momentos en que el/la protagonista se lia con alguien y el autor lo describe con todo lujo de detalles) cuyos protagonistas son un chico y una chica que por ciertos motivos no pueden estar juntos (familias enfrentadas, distintas clases sociales, no matrimonio...) y cuando pueden verse aprovechan al máximo... por qué la chica jamás de los jamases tiene la regla? NO ME LO CREO. ES ANTINATURAL.

He dicho.

PD: Ya, ya sé que si el/la autor/a añadiera ese elemento a la descripción de la escena, más que erótico-sexual, quedaría gore y no vendería mucho... No me refiero a eso.

[Edito: Acabo de recordar que hoy Lugh, Didi y yo hemos visto una planta en un balcón cuyos huevos eran de gallina. Verídico en el Casco Antiguo de Tarragona, Pl. del Rei, 1r piso en la esquina que da a pl. dels Angels. Y yo que siempre creí que eran de gallina... Si es que al final las plantas lo hacen todo!!]